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CRA Newsroom

Protect yourself—tax scams can be costly

Have you received a suspicious email, telephone call, letter, or text message claiming to be from the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA)? If the organization or individual is asking for personal information such as your social insurance number…

How your tax correspondence is getting clearer

Every year, the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) sends out more than 130 million pieces of correspondence to Canadians. If you received a notice or letter in 2016, you may have noticed that it has a new look. That’s because the CRA has been improving the way it communicates with Canadians by making its correspondence easier to read and understand.

Auto-fill my return makes doing taxes easier!

Short on time this tax season? Try Auto-fill my return. This secure Canada Revenue Agency service automatically fills in parts of your tax return, making filing online even easier!

Need a hand doing your taxes?

Tax time is coming, and you may be eligible for help with your taxes through the Community Volunteer Income Tax Program (CVITP)!